What Is Your Mindsetting?
Let’s keep it simple before we dive in: It’s your way of thinking. In a few words, your mental inclination and disposition, or your frame of mind.
Your mindsetting is the established set of attitudes that characterizes you and predetermines the way you think, your opinion, interpretation and response to situations and circumstances. Also, it represents your set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself and that becomes a habit by the repeated pattern of how you think, feel, and behave in different situations.
In other words, your mindsetting is the set of assumptions, methods, or notions held by you or the group of people you identify with, and can also be seen as arising out of individual or collective worldviews or philosophies of life. Finally, a mindsetting may be so firmly established that it creates a powerful incentive within you, to accept your feeling in a certain way and adopt specific behavior choices, representing processes activated in response to a given situation, circumstance or task.
Your Mindsetting Is A Big Deal
Your mindsetting shapes your thoughts and beliefs, shifting the emotional state of how you feel. The energy of your feelings produce the attitudes that influence your behavior and drive your actions, and your repeated actions will create the habits that will determine your achievements. Your mindsetting is like a building, where your habits are the columns that set the strength, solidity and stability of the building where you really live: Your Mind.
What are the settings you can choose for your mind?
You can set your mind to believe in abundance or scarcity, thinking positive or negative, being optimist or pessimist, wanting to grow or stay as you are and seeking opportunities or shielding yourself from threats. Those are the main settings, but you can also set your settings to other very important settings, like being hopeful or hopeless, striving to reach or compete, looking for solutions or who to blame for problems, choosing to advance or retreat, going forward or backwards, to love or to hate, being happy or sad, working for peace or war, displaying forbearance or intemperance, showing kindness or meanness, being on the side of good or evil, being faithful or unfaithful, acting with gentleness or roughness, living with self-control or unruliness.
Do you think you are just the way you are? Of course you are, but the good news is that you can choose the Mindsetting you want to have. You can reprogram your mind for abundance, positiveness, optimism, growth and taking advantage of all the opportunities and blessings this life offers to us all. You just need to believe you can be better at whatever you do, through the right mind programs, leading to the development of new habits. This is called coaching or training. And yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks.
I believe that you can improve your performance if you work at it. What’s the biggest difference between those who succeed and those who don’t? Mindsetting: That is inside your mind and not visible to anyone, but makes a big difference by Empowering and Driving your perception of self-worth, competence and confidence. It's not your abilities, capacities, tenacity or motivation that will make you succeed. Your success depends on how you process the data about the situations and circumstances you face. The real talent is in the process.
Successful people persevere in the face of adversity, instead of giving up.
With these steps you will be able to change your mind settings:
Focus on the whole process of developing yourself and enjoy the trip. If you only focus on the goal you are trying to achieve or the end result you want to reach, you might miss important learnings along the way.
Expect struggles and believe you can overcome any obstacle.
Always think about abundance and growth, with positive and optimistic thoughts, and teach yourself to seek opportunities in any situation or circumstance.
Learn that failure is only data to be processed, to improve yourself.
Embrace challenges.
Don’t you ever try to prove yourself to others. It is not worth it, because it will make you doubt yourself. You don’t need to prove your talent because success is in the process, not in the talent.
Remember all goals must be set to thrive, not to survive.
Read about mind programming and learn about: How does the mind work, Black Swan Events, First Principles, Self-Sabotage, Self-Propaganda, Seneca's Night Routine, Regret Programming, Stoicism and develop your mental skills.
Find a good Mindsetting Coach and get to work on your mind programming.
Origin of Mindsetting concepts.
Some sources say this concept has been around since the 1920’s and Peter Gollwitzer has written about mindsets since the 1980’s. Magoroh Maruyama is famous for his Mindscape Theory, in his 1980 booh. Finally, Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D popularized the mindset when she went mainstream with her book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success: How We Can Learn to Fulfill Our Potential (2006).
Your subconscious mind can perform an estimated 10 Quadrillion operations per second, controlling all your organs and systems, including 6 Trillion actions to 60 Trillion cells in your body every second.
However, your subconscious mind can't distinguish the difference between a real event and the thoughts and images you create in your mind. That is why nightmares produce real emotions that you can feel in your body. Also, that is the reason hypnosis works. Some more proof: If you close your eyes and imagine a slice of lime entering your mouth, you will salivate. That is also the reason Medical Placebos work. We can create mental Placebos to get the good effects we need or want. Unfortunately, we can also create Nocebos and obtain some bad effects we don't want or need. Whatever belief you hold in your subconscious mind will become your reality.
We have about 60,000 thoughts a day. We usually have similar thoughts everyday that produce similar feelings and actions and that programs our subconscious mind by repetition. It is up to us to choose the thoughts and actions that will reprogram our mind.
Important to note: Circumstances and situations don't create our positive or negative feelings or emotions. It's our psychological reaction to the situation that creates our feelings and emotions, not the situation itself. For example: One person doing skydiving may have an exhilarating experience with the brain producing endorphins while another may have a stressful experience with the brain releasing cortisol. The situation is the same, but the reaction was different. Another example: One person facing an economic recession may see lots of opportunities with the brain producing endorphins while another person may see bankruptcy and disaster with the brain releasing cortisol. The situation is the same, but the reaction was different.
Your reaction to any situation will depend on the program being run by your subconscious mind. Your thoughts control your life. You are the creator of your future. Choose your thoughts wisely.
Inspired by a Jeremy Bennett video.
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