Step 3: Your Goals

Your Mindset To Reach Goals

  1. Apply self-propaganda to your subconscious mind.
  2. Play Games with your subconscious mind.
  3. Teaching by doing.
  4. Train your subconscious mind. The Tesla method.
  5. Feedback Yourself - Seneca's night routine.
  6. Intuition. Regret. Data. The Bezos Method.
  7. Frequencies.
  8. Stoicism.
  9. 4 Steps.
These 9 topics are still being developed, but you can read the following posts that are related to the subject of growing your own mindset to reach goals.

Your Future Is Born In Your Mind

  1. Think about what you want in your future, but don't think with words or images. Rather, think in video format, like a video thought.
  2. Add to that video thought, the feelings and emotions you will have when you reach that future you want.
  3. That video with feelings thought, should be kept in your mind, day and night, everyday, permanently.

This process will tell your subconscious mind that is safe to go there, because you want it and it makes you feel great.

Your subconscious mind will help your conscious mind to make the right choices to reach your goal.

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